
My thesis in 400 phrases – Erika Le Bordet

Erika Le Bordet, an iREx grasp’s pupil, lately accomplished her grasp’s diploma on the College of Montreal. Right here she summarizes her analysis mission.

In about 5 billion years, the Solar will exhaust all its sources and shed its outer layers. The remaining core can be what is called a “white dwarf” star. White dwarfs have roughly half the mass of the Solar inside the dimension of Earth. This makes them very dense objects! Often, we observe that hydrogen or helium is the environment of white dwarfs. Metals are sometimes discovered as nicely, indicating the presence of a planetary system across the white dwarf. The robust gravity of white dwarfs attracts the stays of those programs, including them to the star’s environment.

This artist’s illustration depicts a white dwarf star surrounded by a particles disk of fabric. Picture supply: NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/J. Da Silva

Finding out the chemical composition of white dwarfs permits us to be taught rather a lot in regards to the primary parts of planetary programs. In actual fact, conventional strategies of exoplanet detection can not inform us in regards to the inside composition of exoplanets. That is why my subject is so helpful to my colleagues at iREx!

Throughout my grasp’s research, I studied the chemical composition of the white dwarf WD 1145+017 intimately. This star is exclusive as a result of it has a particles disk manufactured from asteroids orbiting round it. These asteroids make transits—durations through which they go in entrance of the star—which might be as much as 5 occasions deeper than these attributable to exoplanets! The distinctive form of the transit signifies the presence of a number of items of asteroids, a few of which have tails like comets. Moreover, the form of those crossings modifications over time, indicating that these items are disintegrating. A couple of years in the past, crossovers disappeared fully. Some astronomers consider that this disc distinction could also be resulting from a mechanism just like the one behind the formation of Saturn’s moons.

My work was to review the composition of the disk round WD 1145+017 to grasp its impact on the noticed chemical composition of the star’s environment. We needed to simulate the air pollution of the disk after which extract it from the starlight in order that we might get the true composition of this white dwarf. She found that the presence of the disk might make us detect ten occasions extra metals within the environment than are already current. This discovery is vital as a result of it tells us that the presence of a particles disk can severely have an effect on our means to find out the true abundance of various parts in the identical star. If we’ve got the flawed chemical composition of those stars, we’d assume there are extra unique rocky objects on the market than they are surely, and make flawed assumptions in regards to the planetary programs within the universe.

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Erika accomplished her grasp’s diploma between 2022 and 2024, below the supervision of iREx professor Patrick Dufour. Her thesis can be out there on-line quickly.


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